Monday, August 18, 2014

Day #16: Insurance, Alcohol, Alison, and Housing

Well, this has been an adventure.

I finally got a claim letter from my insurance company about my visit to the Emergency Department that started this whole mess. They wanted my medical history to determine if I was eligible for coverage or not. First of all, if I'm not eligible, what the hell do I pay you for?!? Secondly, the claim was for almost $4k. Jeez. I can't tell if I'm in the wrong profession, or the right one.

In other news, this weekend I helped Alison move back in for her final year at Brevard!!! That's been a whole other can of worms, but I'm so happy that the love of my life gets to accomplish one of her dreams. To celebrate, we went to the local ABC store and got a beverage or two. This is the first time I've had alcohol since I started Elmiron, and to be honest, the results were rather surprising. While on amitriptyline, as soon as I took the first drink of everything, I immediately needed to head to the bathroom. Breaking the seal was non-existent for me, because there was no seal to be broken. While drinking with Alison the other night (and I didn't have an extravagant amount mind you), all I experienced was some temporary mild discomfort. The next day I was even able to drive all the way from Brevard back to my apartment in Waynesville, through 2 different traffic jams, without stopping once. I have no idea why Dr. Armstrong didn't start me on these meds first....that would have saved me a great, great deal of time and pain....

Now, buying a house.

Man, this has been wild. In the past week, Geoff and I have looked at 8 different houses, with only two being worth purchasing. I gathered all the necessary paperwork and turned it into the bank today. I believe tomorrow there will be a thing or two I will need to sign, but, after that, we'll see if I can afford an almost $200k house. I've been working with a Remax agent by the name of Ms. Thomson, who has been wonderful helping us find a place in our projected price range. I know it seems like we've been putting the cart before the horse here, and to be honest, I think we have been. I've never looked at buying a house before, and all the research I've done talks about buying strategies and mortgage negotiation, not the order in which things are done. If it weren't for my friend Robbie, I wouldn't have even thought to attempt to buy a house. I mean, come on. A sickly, balding 23-year-old that hasn't been working for more than a year at his current employer trying to buy a house? What? Not to mention the fact that the only type of loan that even gives me a chance of buying a home is a USDA loan, which has its own mess of requirements and hoops to jump through. However, it looks like it's all going to come together in some weird way, as it usually does. Like I keep telling Alison, with the faith of a mustard seed, you can move mountains.

I took today off from work originally to go see Dr. Armstrong, which I ended up doing anyway just to get the rest of my patient file transferred down here to Dr. Hooper's office, but I also used this opportunity to fill out paperwork, relax, and all that good stuff.

Today's pain level: 2 out of 10. Mostly due to the healing tricep I'm still carrying around.

 Oh! And my new med list:
  • 300mg of Elmiron
  • Ibuprofen as needed
  • 10 mg of Montelukast Sodium (for asthma/allergies)
  • 1 dose of Hair, Skin, and Nails multi-vitamin
  • 1mg finasteride 

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