Monday, December 24, 2012

On Old People

        Aging is a funny thing. You don't just wake up one morning and decide from there on out you are old. I think age is more of a mentality thing, where you have admitted to yourself you are past your prime and are on your way out. I've met some pretty old people who have only been alive for 40 years, and many of the youngest people I've met are upwards of 70 years old. So when does one decide enough is enough, or this old is too old? When your body quits working? When you've accomplished your life goals? When you've put the one you love to rest? When you have accepted the cold reality of death in an infinite universe that you only had a snowball's chance in hell of even existing in to begin with? It's fine to be 55+ years old, and many should wear that as a badge of honor, but please, never get old.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Podcast #2 - All That Jazz

This is a short paper I had to present to my World Music class about the concept of Jazz. It will provide you with a short overview of what jazz is, what it means, and how musicians treat it.

Featured in this podcast is Tower of Power's influential hit, What is Hip?